Civil Law

We provide assistance in court proceedings and in extrajudicial settings, as ordinary and precautionary measures, for every matter relating to the rights of Individuals and of the Family, to Successions mortis causa and inter vivos, to Property (in all its aspects), to Liabilities and Contracts (typical and atypical), to subordinate and independent Employment and of any other type, to the Company and to the protection of rights under a Civil law perspective.

Family Law

We provide advise and assistance in relation to Individuals, Family and Minors: interdiction, disqualification, support management, maternity and paternity, parental authority, marriage, community and separation of property systems, family businesses, trust funds, alimony, separation of the spouses, divorce, filiation, adoption, cohabitation relationships.

Labour Law

We provide assistance in court proceedings and in extrajudicial settings, as ordinary and precautionary measures, for every matter relating to the preliminary negotiation, establishment, conduct and termination of subordinated and independent employment relationships, to trade union rights, to transfers of business and to insolvency proceedings, as well as to targeted business analyses and due diligence reports.

Company Law

Integrated advise and assistance, provided in team by our lawyers and tax consultants, in all aspects of the subject: formation of companies and associations, drafting and alteration of articles of association, transformation, merger, demerger, dissolution, resolutions of corporate bodies, transfer of shares, drafting of corporate contracts and of shareholders’ agreements.

Tax Law

Integrated advise and assistance, provided in team by our lawyers and tax consultants, in legal, fiscal, financial, economic and tax affairs, to assure the most efficient conduct of relations with finance agencies and the best handling and resolution of possible disputes, from the extrajudicial phase to the court of last instance, subject to a detailed risk assessment.

Inheritance Law

Global integrated assistance in various disputes concerning intestate, testate and necessary successions, as well as specific successions and estate divisions in general. Analysis in team and verification of transferred proprietary rights, of assets and liabilities and of the legitimation in pending proceedings involving the deceased.

Asset Protection

Integrated extrajudicial advise and judicial assistance in relation to the protection of assets, to extraordinary operations (acquisition and transfer of companies or of company shares, mergers and demergers, corporate reorganization at all levels) and to matters concerning intra-family share capital reorganization, intergenerational transfers, liquidation of shares and family branches.

Compensation for Damages

Qualified protection for a complete and adequate compensation for damage arising from: contractual liability, driver’s liability, accidents at work, medical care, ruined holidays, items held in custody, animals, sports, tort, libel or defamation by other means and for any other reason.

Per ogni altro ambito, connesso o comunque di interesse del Cliente, lo Studio Legale Trezzi si avvale di Collaboratori esterni, onde garantire una prestazione esauriente in ogni area del Diritto.